Samstag, 23. November 2013

Digital Product Placement

Medial inventions always have an influence on our daily live. Some have more and some have less. The influence of smartphones and laptops is enormous. Not only on the way we communicate, but also for example on the way we watch television. Just sitting in front of the tube, enjoying your show and waiting until the advertising break is over does not happen any more. With our smartphone we are always "online" and available. We text, we read articles, watch videos or check the Facebook profiles of our friends. I know many people who are watching a football game on television while their favorite show is running on their laptop. In some how that makes sense, because all the breaks and ads during a game are really exhausting. But does it make sense for the advertisers to pay a lot of money to make advertising when nobody is watching it?

Why should you watch boring ads in the ad break?

I don't think so. I mean, of course the history of advertising and television is really close connected. Television without advertising can't exist, because it is in the end the only or the biggest source to get money. But why should advertisers pay for something without having any outcome. Product placement is the catchword here. Making advertising by putting your product in the show, making it a part of the content is really smart, because the audience is getting influenced by advertising without recognizing it. In there is a interesting progress. By now the advertisers are able to put their products digitally into a program which has been made years ago.


How will this influence the way advertising is made, looking at demographics and personalized advertising?

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